retour index


All the cemboards shown below feature an integrated angle bracket in addition to a metal fastener.

Some works are curvilinear or non-rectangular.

The very first! Evocation of birth: the boat gradually emerges from its cement cocoon.
bouton de fermeture
The dance of the sails in a hazy horizon of the rising sun.
bouton de fermeture
Ship lying on the ground or, on the contrary, facing an aggressive sea?
bouton de fermeture
Aeolian or petroleum?
bouton de fermeture
The quiet strength of a moment of serenity.

(Artwork owned by the Kharkiv Museum in Ukraine)

bouton de fermeture
The beginning or end of a civilization on a field of Mars.
bouton de fermeture
Just after the first wing beats, just before the sunrise, at the moment the day will meet the night: the islands of Frioul.
bouton de fermeture
Remains of the different eras of the Aral Sea.
bouton de fermeture
The Be boat in Nosy Be bay.
bouton de fermeture
so close so far..
bouton de fermeture
Clear water for a credenza.
bouton de fermeture